Tue Sanggaard

Letter of intention
Link to portfolio:
About me and why I am applying for TAW
My name is Tue Sanggaard and I am 21 years old. I apply to the Computer Graphic Arts programme at The Animation Workshop for the second time this year. I applied last year as well and since then I have worked intensely with art and drawing.
I decided to move to Norway and enrol in an art class at Sunnhordland Folkehøgskole. I did this because I wanted to challenge myself and develop a more personal style and approach to drawing. The school allowed me to work with drawing and other art forms as much as possible, and offered me a broad variety of guest teachers with each of their own focuses.
This experience and all the people I have met and drawn inspiration from on the way has really influenced me a lot. My general interest in the art world has increased and I find myself exploring new subjects, materials and techniques all the time. This development has definitely affected all my work in a positive direction.
The reason I decided to apply to The Animation Workshop again this year is that after a full year of drawing I find myself more engaged that ever. I love diving into worlds I can create myself and wish to make a career out of it. I have known about the school since a very young age and I always found it fascinating. I have visited the school several times to get a notion of what the place is like and have enjoyed it more and more.
I apply to the Computer Graphic Arts programme again this year. This is where my biggest interests are even though I find character animation very interesting and love to play around with it.
When I do computer graphic arts I get to create what is in my mind. It is absolutely amazing to go from an idea in my head and put it onto paper with all the materials and processes I like. Drawing, painting, colours, lines and moods. I am eager to learn and especially the 3D world is something I really wish to dive into.
During the past year I have worked with the Norwegian game company 4Bit Games where I have done concept artwork and character designs. I have learned a lot from working with a bunch of serious game developers and I really enjoy working with others on big projects.
Regarding my computer software knowledge I work almost entirely in Photoshop. I know and like the program and it does almost everything I need. I have tried out several other programs to have an idea about different possibilities.
I have done a little 3D work in both ZBrush and Autodesk Maya but during the past year I did not have access to those programs and chose not to focus on that.
Software knowledge and level of experience:
Adobe Photoshop: very experienced
Adobe Illustrator: beginner
Adobe After effects: some experience
ZBrush: intermediate
Autodesk Maya: beginner
In the future I hope to be able to work with a lot of different things. I have already worked with games and like it but I am also very interested in animated movies or illustration work. I generally like to try out all sorts of different things and learn about them. I find it very intriguing to enter in a business where a new project almost always means a new story and a new way of expressing yourself.
My inspiration comes from many places and consists of all types of artwork. I use the internet as a source of inspiration but I find it just as rewarding going to a gallery or museum with a sketchbook.
One artist that I find absolutely amazing is Egon Schiele, his lining is incredible and the shapes of his bodies make me want to draw like nothing else. Another artist that influence me significantly is Hieronymus Bosch and the creepy and crazy monsters in his heaven and hell universe.
I also draw a lot of inspiration from cartoonists and illustrators like Joann Sfar with his free and playful drawings and Moebius surreal worlds and peculiar characters.
I enjoy watching movies and tv shows. I get my influence from many different works. The silly humour and crazy animations of Monty Python, the absurd stop motions of Jan Svankmajer, politically critical animations like Persepolis or Waltz with Bashir and work from Japanese directors like Satoshi Kon.
Some of the movies that have inspired me are Enter the Void with its harsh visual content and spectacular points of view, Pan’s Labyrinth with its mystical and brutal world and A Clockwork Orange.
Among my favourite tv shows are Mad Men, Deadwood and True Detective with their amazing moods and striking aesthetics. Also Adventure Time and Rick and Morty are among the series that I really enjoy.
Another big interest of mine is music. I love listening to, playing or making music. Much like drawing it lets me enter another world where I can both experience and create. I play the fiddle and guitar but also enjoy making electronic music.
I plan to finance the education through savings, summer jobs and a study loan.
Besides from that I will be able to receive SU.
I hope you find my portfolio interesting.